id: 11a.1-overview title: 11A.1 Overview meta: Overview of the role of Reviewers within the Scenery Editing Team. order: 1 auth: airportreviewers #

11A.1 Overview #

11A.1.1 #

The purpose of the Reviewer Team is to:

To carry this out, Reviewers will be added to the following channel within Discord:

Channel Purpose
#information Day to day posts (such as housekeeping) to be made in this channel by Staff and Moderators only
#reviewers This channel is used to facilitate communications between all Reviewers for any purpose deemed necessary
#review-status This channel is used to post progress on an airport review (including when it is started, finished, and when the changes are made and subsequently re-reviewed)
#review-help This channel is used to ask for help or ask questions about the airport being reviewed

11A.1.2 #

Reviewers are selected by the Airport Moderators based on a number of criteria, including, but not limited to:

Reviewers may be demoted or removed from the Reviewer Team for any reason as deemed by the Airport Moderators (e.g. breach of trust, abuse of power, lack of commitment etc.)